SV Lycurgus / Aan- en afmelden / Aanmelden - English


Pleae fill out the application form hereunder to apply for membership of Lycurgus.

After sending the form you will receive a confirmation by e-mail with the information you supplied. From that moment on you will be obliged to pay the fee (contributie) for the season.

As soon as the application is accepted, it is obligatory voor playing members as of the JO12 (year of birth 2013 and older during the season  2024/2025) to upload a picture in the app (see hereunder).

It is recommended to registreren in the app (Android / iOS) (and wedstrijdzaken app). This is possible as soon as your application has been processed. Please use for registration the e-mail you used in the application form. In the wedstrijdzaken app (Android / iOS) you will be able to find ypur digital player pass. A suitable picture (the face is visible and recognizable) can be uploaded in the app.


We thank you or your child (min 5 years old) for joining our club.

A club differs from a (commercial) football school.

The difference is explained here. Please read it so that a mismatch in expectations can be avoided.

With a memebership you are also invited to assist in improving the club as a volunteer.

Together we are our club. Welcome!


The following fields are obligatory when joining as a youth member.

Youth members in the age category JO19 or JO17 are expected (JO17-memebers only after obtaining the spelregelbewijs) to be available at least once per season for 

being a referee for a pupils (under 11) game or assisting at a training for pupils (under 11 andd younger).

Youth members are at least 5 years old.

Payment details

In case you need financial support as an adult: volwassenenfonds.

When you are eligible for such suppert and accpeted by volwassenfonds please inform the administration of Lycurgus

Information on "leergeld" or "jeugdsportfonds" can be found on the contributiepagina, under "Financiële Hulp"

For questions on "Leergeld" or "Jeugdsportfonds" you can aslo contact Hans Spiering (+31 (0)6 - 53 80 35 69).

By filling out the financial information and becoming a playing member or training member I agree, until withdrawal, automatic payment of the financial obligations.

The above obligation is not applicable as long as the leergeld- or jeugdsportfonds arrangement is being used and the costs are accepted by leergeld/jeugdsportfonds.

Furthermore I have noted and agree with what is mentioned on the contributiepagina (financial information page). 

Football information

Volunteering duties


N.B. After sending this form you will receive a cofirmation by e-mail containing the information you provided for this application. Please check receipt as it may land in your SPAM folder.

From that moment on your financial obligations start, except when we are not able to place you in a team (assuming the application is for a playing member).